
Hello, my name is Niko and i´m the writer of this blog. Nice to meet you.

I discovered a long time ago how much you can make with a small electric motor, a battery, and a switch, and since I have been studying how to create more complex machines.

To accomplish my goals I started in 2014 a degree in computer science at the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, where I took the computer engineering itinerary, where the áreas that more called my interest where Embedded RTOS and Linux deployment, Computer architecture, Computer networks design/deployment and parallel/distributed programming preferentially developed in C++ and Python.

Not a conformist, in the meantime I participated in some events and developed some side projects where I put in practice some of the topics, especially tinkering with embedded software based around Arduino/Esp32 and Raspberry Pi development boards, improving my developer experience and my skillset inside and outside of the Software engineering scope in some áreas such as electronics design/prototyping techniques, 3D cad design, digital fabrication, and 3d printer improvement/maintenance.

At some point wanted to share some bits of this knowledge and learned some web page design and development, CMS deployment and customization, and digital content creating with tools like Adobe Suite, Canva, or WordPress.

This allowed me to participate at first as a part-time STEM teacher in schools and computer faires, and at this moment in social projects where we introduce underprivileged students into new technologies and career options.

At this moment, I combine this Job with my mandatory scholarship at Oceanographic Robots Division (ROC) at SIANI (University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria) where I develop a new more efficient propulsion system for A-Tirma autonomous sailboat, integrating a 3d printed mechanism into the mainframe actuated by a Zigbee based module.